
TheOpenStackDeveloper'sGuidedescribesthestepsforsettingupGitandallthenecessaryaccountsforcontributingcodetoSwift.,OpenStackSwiftisadistributedobjectstoragesystemdesignedtoscalefromasinglemachinetothousandsofservers.Swiftisoptimizedformulti-tenancy ...Changelog·Apache-2.0license·Pullrequests·Authors,*Fixedtracebackswhenthere'saracetomarkafiledurableordeleteit.*Improvedcooperativemultitaskingdur...

First Contribution to Swift

The OpenStack Developer's Guide describes the steps for setting up Git and all the necessary accounts for contributing code to Swift.

OpenStack Storage (Swift). Mirror of code maintained at

OpenStack Swift is a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers. Swift is optimized for multi-tenancy ... Changelog · Apache-2.0 license · Pull requests · Authors

swiftCHANGELOG at master · openstackswift

* Fixed tracebacks when there's a race to mark a file durable or delete it. * Improved cooperative multitasking during ssync. * Upon detecting a ring change, ...

Releases · openstackswift

You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs ...


This is a python client for the Swift API. There's a Python API (the swiftclient module), and a command-line script ( swift ).

Activity · openstackswift

OpenStack Storage (Swift). Mirror of code maintained at - Activity · openstack/swift. at master · openstackswift

Provides the (native string) account/container/object path,. sans API version. This can be useful when constructing a path to send to a backend.

swiftetcswift.conf-sample at master · openstackswift

OpenStack Storage (Swift). Mirror of code maintained at - swift/etc/swift.conf-sample at master · openstack/swift.


The legacy distributed object storage server developed by PitchPoint Solutions can store billions of large and small files using minimal resources.

swiftREADME.rst at master · openstackswift

OpenStack Swift is a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers. Swift is optimized for multi-tenancy ...